Saturday, May 05, 2007

Unsharpened Colored Pencils can accomplish a good deal

I really enjoy "impromptu" or "lazy" colored pencil drawings. I have sat down at a table or at the top of the stairs and found within a very short distance (since I was to lazy to go search for better materials) hardly sharpened pencils and paper already drawn on on one side but the results are often better then some others I have drawn with much more preparation. The other day I did such a "lazy" drawing, and it turned out pretty well considering.


Anna said...

Wow! It's beautiful!

I love your blog! It's great!

Ria said...

Thanks! (:

Lucia said...

I love it! I take colored pencil class, and I took a few acrylics classes. Looks as if we have the same interests!

Ria said...

We do seem to have a lot of common interests, it's so cool!